
Document Brief: Title: "20120704 Use of Tracker for CPDD Beginning Teachers' (BT) Workshop (July 3-4, 2012)"

This document outlines the use of Tracker software during the Beginning Teachers' (BT) workshop conducted by the Curriculum Planning and Development Division (CPDD) on July 3-4, 2012. The workshop focused on introducing Tracker as a teaching and learning tool for kinematics and dynamics.

Study Guide:


  • Introduce beginning teachers to the Tracker software for motion analysis.

  • Demonstrate how Tracker supports teaching key physics concepts through visual data representation.

Key Concepts:

  1. Introduction to Tracker:

    • Overview of the Tracker interface.

    • Exploring the potential of video analysis in physics education.

  2. Core Applications of Tracker:

    • Analyzing kinematics: motion graphs, velocities, and accelerations.

    • Investigating forces and dynamics through tracked data.

  3. Teaching Strategies:

    • Incorporating Tracker activities into lesson plans.

    • Engaging students with hands-on learning opportunities.

Workshop Activities:

  • Getting Started:

    • Installation and initial setup.

    • Loading sample videos and calibrating scales.

  • Practical Exercises:

    • Tracking a projectile motion video to derive motion equations.

    • Analyzing pendulum motion to understand periodicity and energy conservation.

  • Group Discussion:

    • Sharing experiences and challenges encountered during the exercises.

    • Brainstorming creative implementations in classrooms.

Questions to Consider:

  1. How does Tracker support interactive learning?

    • Answer: By enabling students to visualize and analyze real-world motion, making abstract concepts tangible.

  2. What are some classroom scenarios where Tracker can be applied?

    • Answer: Free fall experiments, energy transformations, rotational dynamics, and harmonic motion.

  3. What makes Tracker a valuable tool for beginning teachers?

    • Answer: It provides an accessible, intuitive way to integrate technology into teaching, enhancing student engagement and understanding.

  4. How does Tracker enhance understanding of motion graphs?

    • Answer: It generates real-time position, velocity, and acceleration graphs, helping students link theoretical concepts with experimental data.

  5. What strategies can teachers use to troubleshoot common Tracker challenges?

    • Answer: Ensuring high-quality video input, proper calibration, and practice with simpler examples before progressing to complex scenarios.


Next Steps: Beginning teachers are encouraged to apply Tracker in their teaching practice, starting with simple experiments. Sharing feedback and ideas in subsequent CPDD workshops will foster collective learning and innovation.


Use of Tracker for use at CPDD Beginning Teachers' (BT) workshop on 3-4 Jul

Use of Tracker for use at CPDD Beginning Teachers' (BT) workshop on 3-4 Jul
Date:  3 Jul 2012
Time: 1pm – 2.45 pm
Venue:  2 Umar Pulavar Tamil Lang Centre (UPTLA) Training room 3, 2Beatty Road S(209954)
Target audience: 25 JC Phy BTs
Presenter:  Lim Jit Ning, Lau Soo Yen
Facilitator for tracker workshop:  Wee Loo Kang
Organisers: CPDD Joy Tan, Edwin Lim See Wai, Barnabas Tan, Sarah Ong
Jit Ning will be sharing with the BTs on
  • how to use basic function in tracker (we will provideone laptop per group for about 5-6 groups)
  • use of tracker for SHM (phase difference) and circularmotion (plotting of various graph,  linking of representation and realworld).
Jit Ning sharing
Jit Ning sharing
Jit Ning showing a real life video of damping using tracker.
Things i managed to share
  1. all open source physics computer models at Menu on the left
  2. ICT Connection tracker lesson examples with aim to enable other teachers to practice in their own classes.
    1.  Learning Physics of Sport Science through Video Analysis and Modeling 
      LEE Tat Leong / River Valley High Sch
      27-Apr-2010 (Tue)
      Viewed (7178)  
    2.  Learning Physics of Projectile through Video Analysis and Modeling 
      Jimmy Goh / Yishun Junior College
      13-Apr-2011 (Wed)
      Viewed (175) 
      To retrieve your password, please enter the you Login-Id (NRIC) and then click [Submit]. it will send the new password to your icon account. (SMS)
  3. Key Word "Tracker"
  4. Journal Paper
    Using Tracker as a Pedagogical Tool for Understanding Projectile Motion
    Loo Kang Wee, Charles Chew, Giam Hwee Goh, Samuel Tan, Tat Leong Lee
    Comments: 9 pages, 9 figures; this http URL
    Subjects: Physics Education (physics.ed-ph); Classical Physics (physics.class-ph); Computational Physics (physics.comp-ph)
Time to submit Jit Ning's tracker lesson in ICT connection and OSP too :)HCI is using tracker in part due to a sharing we done hereWee, L. K., Lee T.L. & Charles Chew (2010, 23-24 November) Workshop Concurrent 4.9 Workshop - Innovation in Science Education Open Source Physics – Tracker Video Analysis and Modeling Tool, Singapore Science Center, Singapore 1st Science Teacher Conference. [PPT]Enjoy!


  1. What is the learning curve for Tracker?

    • Tracker is user-friendly, and most educators can master basic functions within a short time.

  2. Can Tracker be integrated into other subjects besides physics?

    • Yes, it can be used in biology for motion studies (e.g., animal movement) and in engineering for mechanical analysis.

  3. What are the system requirements for Tracker?

    • Tracker is cross-platform and requires Java. It runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

  4. How can Tracker activities be assessed?

    • By evaluating students’ ability to generate and interpret data, compare theoretical models, and articulate their findings.

  5. Where can additional resources for Tracker be found?

    • Online tutorials, the Tracker user guide, and physics education forums.