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['sithu', 'lookang', 'story by jiawen']





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['sithu', 'lookang', 'story by jiawen']

Sample Learning Goals

The primary goal of this project is to simulate the effects of antibiotic doses on two populations of bacteria:

  • Susceptible (Normal) Bacteria: These bacteria are vulnerable to antibiotics.
  • Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria: These bacteria have developed mechanisms to survive antibiotic treatments.

By modeling these interactions, the simulation aims to educate and illustrate the dynamics of antibiotic resistance, a critical issue in modern medicine.




Key Features and Functionalities

a. Dual Container Simulation

  • Container A (Susceptible Bacteria):

    • Population: Starts with a defined number of susceptible bacteria (e.g., 6).
    • Mechanism: Each antibiotic dose affects susceptible bacteria based on a probabilistic model (e.g., rolling a dice where outcomes 1-4 kill a bacterium).
  • Container B (Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria):

    • Population: Starts with a smaller number of resistant bacteria (e.g., 4).
    • Mechanism: Resistant bacteria are affected differently (e.g., rolling a dice where outcome 6 kill a bacterium).

b. Simulation Cycles and Doses

  • Cycles: The simulation runs through multiple cycles (e.g., 100), each consisting of a set number of antibiotic doses (e.g., 10 per cycle).
  • Dose Application: For each dose within a cycle, the simulation rolls dice to determine which bacteria survive or are killed.

c. Death Dose Recording

  • Objective: Track and record the specific dose at which all bacteria in each container are eradicated within a cycle.
  • Data Recording: Maintains separate records for susceptible and resistant bacteria, indicating the dose number where they were completely wiped out.

d. Interactive Data Display

  • Detailed Simulation Table: Shows the number of surviving bacteria after each antibiotic dose for both susceptible and resistant populations.
  • Death Dose Record Table: Compiles and displays the dose numbers at which bacteria populations were entirely eliminated across all cycles.
  • Toggle Functionality: Users can switch between the detailed simulation view and the death dose records seamlessly during the simulation.

e. Control Mechanisms

  • Pause and Resume: Users can pause the simulation at any point and resume it, allowing for interactive exploration and observation.
  • Reset Functionality: After completing a set of doses, the simulation resets for the next cycle, maintaining consistent conditions for comparison.
Technical Implementation

a. Simulation Logic

  • Dice Rolling Mechanism: Uses JavaScript intervals and timeouts to simulate the probabilistic killing of bacteria based on dice outcomes.
  • Cycle Management: Tracks the number of completed cycles and manages the transition between cycles, ensuring accurate data recording and reset processes.
  • Death Dose Tracking: Monitors when bacteria populations reach zero and records the corresponding dose number for each cycle.

b. Data Management

  • Arrays for Tracking: Maintains arrays (normalXnormalYresistantXresistantY, etc.) to store data points for each dose and cycle.
  • Dynamic Table Population: Utilizes DOM manipulation to dynamically add rows to tables, reflecting real-time simulation results.

c. User Interface (UI)

  • Responsive Tables: Designed with CSS to ensure tables are scrollable and headers remain fixed, enhancing readability and usability.
  • Interactive Controls: Includes buttons or controls for toggling between different data views and managing the simulation state (pause/resume).

Educational Impact

This simulation serves as an educational tool to:

  • Demonstrate Antibiotic Resistance: Visually and interactively show how antibiotic-resistant bacteria can survive treatments that eliminate susceptible bacteria.
  • Highlight the Importance of Proper Antibiotic Use: Emphasize the consequences of overusing or misusing antibiotics, which can lead to the proliferation of resistant strains.
  • Provide Insight into Population Dynamics: Allow users to observe how different factors (e.g., dosage frequency, bacteria populations) influence the overall effectiveness of antibiotic treatments.

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